The wonderful Calder Valley Voices are hosting the festival next year - looking forward to seeing you there in Hebden Bridge, 11th-13th July 2014!
![]() The wonderful Calder Valley Voices are hosting the festival next year - looking forward to seeing you there in Hebden Bridge, 11th-13th July 2014!
A couple of things we are trying to re-unite with their owners:
Credit cards in a black wallet Watch, brand name Diesel, with beige leather strap If you have any info on their whereabouts, do email and we can pass on the contacts for the owners. Thanks ![]() A message from Raise Your Banners, a festival Cor Gobaith have loved participating in the past few events!
Subject to current funding bids, Raise Your Banners Festival of political song and campaigning arts is planning for a great festival in 2014 and once again in Bradford, West Yorkshire and possibly held on one of the May bank holiday weekends. If the ambitions come off, the Festival will be even more of a resounding success as it has been in the past few years in Bradford with the potential to raise even higher the profile of RYB as an exciting event and Movement. If any choirs are interested contact Keith in Bradford Voices txt 07950 471456. ![]() We've all got our fingers crossed this end that the weather holds, that un-named place in Cardigan Bay featured in the papers is where you are heading to, happy sunny, Aberystwyth. We're gearing up for welcoming you!
In other news, do check out the update to Ain't Gonna Study War! More information about access now available here
Registration will be open at the Arts Centre from 3pm on Friday 19th July - can't wait to see you all!
Spoken words to Rhyddid (Freedom) are now in the music folder to help with pronunciation :-)
Just a friendly reminder that it would be REALLY REALLY helpful if you can get your registration forms to us in time for the booking deadline 17th May!
We'll be putting updates to the programme online soon, but we have some great things lined up for Friday evening and Sunday's workshops, and the march into town, mass sing and busking on Saturday will be heaps of fun as always, plus of course the mega-evening choirs showcase... Roll up, roll up! :) All the info on registration is here, but do email if there are any questions or problems :) Also, if choir reps can make sure they have sent a description of their choir for the programme by email, that would be great! We're all looking forward to filling our beautiful town with music! We have an exciting range of workshops lined up already, but there are still some free slots. If you would like to run a workshop on Sunday morning, please get in touch with Richard
The annual Street Choirs’ Festival brings together street and community choirs from all over the UK for a weekend of song. Excitingly (and dauntingly), this year’s festival will be in Aberystwyth. Côr Gobaith are now in the process of organising and, with up to 30 choirs and 800 choir members attending, we will need a good number of volunteers to help us, particularly as stewards, throughout the weekend. We would be very grateful for your support. Briefly, the programme comprises:
If you would like to be involved, please contact Nest on 01974 200932 or via email. Alternatively, email our general event email address with the subject heading 'volunteers'. ANGEN GWIRFODDOLWYR Gwyl Corau Stryd 2013 Aberystwyth 19-21 Gorffennaf Mae’r Wyl Corau Stryd yn denu corau stryd a chymuned o dros Brydain am benwythnos o gân. Eleni mae Côr Gobaith yn gwahodd yr wyl i Aberystwyth. Rydym yn paratoi i groesawi tua 30 o gorau a 800 o gantorion. I sicrhau llwyddiant, bydd angen nifer o wirfoddolwyr i’n helpu yn ystod yr wyl, yn enwedig fel stiwardiaid. Byddem yn ddiolchgar iawn am eich cefnogaeth. Y digwyddiadau:
Gwefan yr wyl :www.streetchoir2013.org.uk Os carech helpu neu am wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Nest ar 01974 200932 neu ebost. Neu ebostiwch [email protected] dan ‘Volunteers’ |