Get connected, we're on Twitter and Facebook , look right!
Just a friendly reminder that it would be REALLY REALLY helpful if you can get your registration forms to us in time for the booking deadline 17th May!

We'll be putting updates to the programme online soon, but we have some great things lined up for Friday evening and Sunday's workshops, and the march into town, mass sing and busking on Saturday will be heaps of fun as always, plus of course the mega-evening choirs showcase... Roll up, roll up! :)
All the info on registration is here, but do email if there are any questions or problems :)

Also, if choir reps can make sure they have sent a description of their choir for the programme by email, that would be great!

We're all looking forward to filling our beautiful town with music!
Mike Cox
2/6/2013 03:58:45 am

Can we have an mp3 file of the pronunciation of Rhyddid a ddaw with a slowly speaking voice giving the sounds we are to sing as the relationship between the words on the page and the sounds is not at all obvious to those new to the language.

Mike Cox
2/6/2013 04:37:26 am

ps here is my crib sheet for the pronunciation so far: if anyone can improve it I would be grateful.
[Raziz a bow x3 my I for] x2
(a) [My geni fee x4] x 2 (hard g in geni)
[Oh cannoo nam x3] gail bew mew may x2
repeat (a)
[Edoo key bow x 3] be blant a be x2
repeat (a)

Mike Cox
2/6/2013 04:37:59 am

ps here is my crib sheet for the pronunciation so far: if anyone can improve it I would be grateful.
[Raziz a bow x3 my I for] x2
(a) [My geni fee x4] x 2 (hard g in geni)
[Oh cannoo nam x3] gail bew mew may x2
repeat (a)
[Edoo key bow x 3] be blant a be x2
repeat (a)

Mike Cox
2/6/2013 04:39:13 am

ps here is my crib sheet for the pronunciation so far: if anyone can improve it I would be grateful.
[Raziz a bow x3 my I for] x2
(a) [My geni fee x4] x 2 (hard g in geni)
[Oh cannoo nam x3] gail bew mew may x2
repeat (a)
[Edoo key bow x 3] be blant a be x2
repeat (a)

Mike Cox
2/6/2013 04:40:37 am

ps here is my crib sheet for the pronunciation so far: if anyone can improve it I would be grateful.
[Raziz a bow x3 my I for] x2
(a) [My geni fee x4] x 2 (hard g in geni)
[Oh cannoo nam x3] gail bew mew may x2
repeat (a)
[Edoo key bow x 3] be blant a be x2
repeat (a)

Pat Richards
4/6/2013 03:39:53 am

Hi Mike, I'm a member of Cor Gobaith, I'll pass on your request for an mp3 at our Street Choirs meeting tomorrow (Wed).

Your crib is pretty good but I'll ask Nest if she could produce something for the website. Fantastic that you're learning it... Welsh is hard for all of us learners!
'dd ' is 'th' as in 'the' , and 'aw' as 'ou' 'ddaw' is 'thou'
Don't know if that is any help at all .... I'll get Nest on the case!
Looking forward to all 700 of you arriving! Hope the weather's like today. Pat

5/6/2013 06:42:33 pm

Hi Mike and all
File will be uploaded shortly - meanwhile, there is phonetic spelling on the separate lyrics sheet: 'Freedom in welsh Lyrics_1'
Can't wait to see you all!

5/6/2013 07:28:26 pm

Spoken words to Rhyddid/Freedom are now on the website music page

Sally Victorian
5/7/2013 08:23:57 am

not had email acknowledgement to my booking sent in early June .As the event is fast approaching, have you received my cheque yet?
Regards Sally

10/7/2013 12:11:05 am

Hi Sally
All choir reps should have had a message to say that we are not replying to each individual choir member, but to contact us if the cheque hasn't been cashed. Please contact Sue Harris: [email protected] if your cheque hasn't been cashed.
Looking forward to seeing you soon

Marie Walsh
9/7/2013 07:56:23 am

I can see a cost for non-choristers (guests) to attend the Friday concert (£10) and the Saturday event (£10). First, is there a consessions rate for those two events? Secondly how much do non-choristers pay for workshops on Sunday?

10/7/2013 12:07:26 am

Hi Marie
Please contact Sue Harris directly for ticket queries: [email protected]
See you soon, hooray!
Lotte x


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